Well, as a boy in high school, I don't have to worry about the dress code as much as the girls. I understand that girls wear what they want, and how the administrators can misconstrue that as a distraction for us guys but it isn't. The reason guys get distracted is because of the lack of focus, not what some innocent girl is wearing. Now, if i was a girl i might wear those clothes to maybe get a compliment or attention of someone. Wearing clothes like that doesn't only effect boys but it could also effect girls. it effect girls i the way as to wondering where they bought it or how'd they look in it. Of course it affects guys more but only because its or fault. I'm not saying that girls should be allowed to where whatever but its not their fault. The distraction of guys is by our own doing. Girls should be allowed to where what is appropriate but the school should restrain there rules a little about how girls dress and the codes and regulations on what to where. If you didn't want girls wearing what they're wearing then have us wear uniforms. But as a public school, the rules might not fully oblige. Keep some rules but also remove some for the reasons being.

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